A debt is delinquent on the 60th day after each repayment notice date if no action
to repay has been taken.
Operations refers delinquent debts that do not have an appeal pending to OFPO, and
OFPO refers the delinquent debt to Treasury’s Cross Servicing Program. Treasury’s
Cross Servicing program will evaluate the debt for participation in TOP and refer
the debt to DOJ to pursue action against the sponsor if applicable.
When a sponsor becomes delinquent and does not respond to demand letters, OFPO refers
the debt to Treasury via Cross servicing Program for repayment. If the debt increases
due to additional payments not being repaid by the sponsor, additional referrals of
the new delinquent repayments will need to be referred to OFPO.
NOTE: Only for Sponsored Alien cases under Section 213A of the INA, does OFPO send the
referral for civil judgment to DOJ via Treasury’s Cross Servicing Program. For all
other civil judgment referrals, please follow SI 02220.035 and GN 02215.150.