TN 63 (10-22)

GN 02408.025 Manual F-Stop Process for a Courtesy Check Issued Due to a Nonreceipt Claim

A. Process for Inputting Manual F-stops on Courtesy Checks

The following provides guidance for processing a manual F-stop on courtesy checks issued due to a nonreceipt claim.

1. Title II

For alleged nonreceipt cases where SSA inputs a B-stop, the Department of the Treasury issues a courtesy replacement check payment. If the original check is subsequently cashed and no automated F-stop occurs on the courtesy replacement check, the Program Service Center (PSC) will enter a manual F-stop action.

The PSC receives a “PREPARE 1184 REACT” alert. The PSC will input a manual F-stop action via the RSDHI using PESP input screens (MSOM RSDHI 002.005) or by using the SSA-4510 Stop Payment Request Input Form (MSOM INTRANETMAMPSCDI 004.003) screen. For PC processing instructions, see SM 00609.001B.2.

2. Title XVI

The Field Office (FO) and Teleservice Center (TC) must take appropriate action when receiving nonreceipt allegations on underpayment checks (Type 2) and One-Time Payments (Type 4). If someone cashes the alleged missing original type 2 or type 4 check payment, the FO will enter a manual F-stop action on the replacement payment (A-OTP) using the SSI Claims Systems Direct SSR Update.

NOTE: Before taking the F-stop action on the A-OTP, the FO must follow all steps outlined in GN 02406.205C for processing nonreceipt allegations for type 2 and type 4 payments.

B. References

GN 02406.205 Nonreceipt of Title XVI Underpayment Check/Type 2 and One-Time Payment/Type 4 Payment -- Field Office (FO) and Teleservice Center (TSC) Instructions

GN 02406.300 Original and Courtesy or Replacement Check Cashed – Double Check Negotiation (DCN) – Potential Overpayment

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GN 02408.025 - Manual F-Stop Process for a Courtesy Check Issued Due to a Nonreceipt Claim - 10/20/2022
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