ZIP flags of “L”, “P” and “X” are used to indicate NCOA processing. NCOA processing
will automatically generate these flags.
A ZIP flag of “L” indicates a letter was sent to the beneficiary notifying either
him or her that we will automatically change his or her address in 45 days or asking
him or her to call-in and verify the new address received from the USPS.
NOTE: The system will change the “L” to a “P” when the new address data updates to the MBR.
A ZIP flag of “P” indicates that the address on the MBR was changed based on information
received from the USPS NCOA database.
A ZIP flag of “X” indicates that the beneficiary called us and requested that we not
change his or her old mailing address. The “X” will preclude the case from being selected
for the next NCOA match.