If the field office indicates on the A101 that benefits should be awarded but alien
provisions may affect payment in the future (“alien needs reverification”), the following procedures apply:
If you are in a PCACS module:
Establish a diary using the DIARY ALERT (DIAR) screen with TOEL1 = STATUS and TOEL2
= ALIEN. Diary for the period indicated on the A101.
Establish a listing shown on the A101 using the LISTING (LIST) screen.
In the award notice, include MADCAP paragraphs S24 and J13.
Add a special message to the MBR using the CIP-M screen with the legend “ALIEN NEEDS REVERIFICATION - MMYY TO MMYY.”
If you are not in a PCACS module:
Establish a diary using form SSA-5015-U2 with TOE code 210. Diary for the period indicated
on the A101.
Establish a listing shown on the A101 using form SSA-5015-U2.
In the award notice, include M-TEXT paragraphs S24 and J13.
Add a special message to the MBR using the CIP-M screen with the legend “ALIEN NEEDS REVERIFICATION - MMYY TO MMYY.”