The 1983 Amendments changed the age at which people may receive unreduced spouse benefits.
Previously, unreduced benefits were payable in the month of attainment of age 65.
Beginning with those born after January 1, 1938 unreduced spouse benefits are payable
at different ages depending on the date of birth. The charts in RS 00615.003 show the full retirement age (FRA) at which unreduced benefits are payable. Instructions
in RS 00615.005 explain how to compute reduced benefits and explain why fractions must be used. These
charts use percentages and are to be used only for estimates of benefit amounts. They
were designed for use in helping members of the public understand the reduction process.
The first two charts show the percentage of the PIA the spouse would receive and may
be used when the spouse is the only auxiliary. The third and fourth charts show the
percentage of the benefit amount the spouse would receive. Use the third and fourth
charts when other auxiliaries are involved and the spouse is not due the full original
For example, the first two show a 62-year-old spouse with a FRA of 65 would get 37.5%
of the PIA. The latter charts show that same spouse would get 75% of their benefit
NOTE: Spouse benefits on disability cases may be significantly lower than the amounts shown