D became entitled to a WIB effective the month of their 64th birthday. Their FRA is
age 65. They are currently receiving an unreduced DIB of $300. Their spouse was receiving
a reduced RIB of $350. The spouse's unreduced PIA is $400.30.
We must consider the following:
82.5% of DNH's PIA
RIB Limitation
unreduced DNH's PIA
excess unreduced D
$ 94.50
($100.30 ×12 RF x fraction x .01)
full reduced MBA
However, D can only be paid $350, because of the RIB limitation.
To find the fraction applicable to examples 1 and 2, refer to RS 00615.301B.2. You can also use the alternative reduction method mention under RS 00615.301B.1.d.
NOTE: In these examples, even if the HA rate is reduced subject to workers' compensation/PDB
offset, the full HA PIA is used in calculating the WIB rate.