An employee and their employer or a self-employed person who wish(es) to apply for
a special exception may write to the addresses below in the country where the worker
wishes to remain covered. The letter should:
Give all the information necessary to issue a certificate of coverage under the U.S.
- Austrian Agreement (see RS 02001.690); and
Explain the reason for the special exception request.
Persons wishing to request an exception granting U.S. coverage should write to the
following address:
Social Security Administration
Division of Training and Program Support
International Support Branch
P.O. Box 17741
Baltimore, MD
Individuals wishing to request an exception granting Austrian coverage should write
to the address below:
Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer
Stubenring 1
1010 Vienna
Upon receipt of a request for a special exception, the agency that receives the request
will consider it in collaboration with the other country's agency. If both agencies
approve the request for a special exception, the agency that receives the request
will issue a certificate of coverage. The certificate of coverage will serve as proof
of exemption from coverage and taxes in the other country. See RS 02001.690 for more information about certificates of coverage under the U.S. - Austrian Agreement.