Take the following actions upon receiving a DIB CESS alert
Check the status of the appeal. Review the Disability Determination Services Query
(DDSQ), if the appeal is at the reconsideration level, or the Case Processing and
Management System (CPMS), if the appeal is at the ALJ level
Take no action if the appeal is still pending.
If the appeal is resolved and the account is active, take the following action to
update the record and terminate the issuing of DIB CESS Appeal Pending Alerts:
Initiate a Post Entitlement Online System (POS) transaction and select #6 (DIB Cessation)
and enter through to the next page;
Input the cessation reason, either #1 (Medical) or #5 (Failure to Cooperate);
Input the date of the appeal determination/decision and the level of the determination/decision
with the appropriate payment or Medicare information; and
Input the notice information.
NOTE: If the account is terminated, update the Master Beneficiary (MBR) via the Manual
Adjustment Credit and Award Process (MADCAP).