TN 21 (06-24)

DI 13050.067 Initial Reinstatement Period – Title XVI

A. Policy -24-Month Initial Reinstatement Period (IRP)

The 24-month initial reinstatement period (IRP) begins with the month of reinstatement to SSI and continues until the recipient has 24 payable months (not necessarily consecutive).

  • Months of eligibility under section 1619(b) count as a payable month toward completing the IRP.

  • If an entire SSI payment is withheld to recover an overpayment, the month counts as a payable month toward completing the IRP.

Months a payment is not payable (non-payment due to resources, unearned income, etc.) do not count toward the IRP.

After the IRP is completed, the individual is eligible to a new 60-month period in which they can request expedited reinstatement if SSI eligibility subsequently terminates due to earned income (or a combination of earned and unearned income).

B. Procedure - Documenting the 24-Month Initial Reinstatement Period

Prepare a SSA-5002 or Report of Contact, and place a remark on the IRMK screen of the DCF (and on the SSR) to document that the IRP has been completed. The documentation must show:

  • the IRP begin month,

  • months credited toward the IRP, and

  • the IRP end month.

NOTE: The latest SSR will normally only contain the payment data related to the recipient for the period after the reinstatement decision was processed. A prior record may contain some payment data for the provisional payment period. All records that are related to the EXR request must be reviewed to determine the IRP.

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DI 13050.067 - Initial Reinstatement Period – Title XVI - 06/26/2024
Batch run: 06/26/2024