Use either Form SSA-1407-U4 or some alternative routing form (e.g., a route slip)
to refer for VR. If the Form SSA-1407-U4 is used, only items 1, 2, 2a, and 3 of that
form need to be completed.
If the claimant moves to another State before adjudication is completed and appears
to be a candidate for VR services, enter under “Remarks” on the SSA-1407-U4 “Claimant
moved to your State—please consider referral to VR agency.”
NOTE: Disability Determination Services (DDS) addresses may be found in DI 33500.ff. DDS
addresses may also be found in the Service Area Directory.
For the purpose of further vocational rehabilitation consideration, the DDS will probably
wish to use essential portions of the information or documents obtained in connection
with the disability determination. This may be accomplished by transcribing the desired
information or making photocopies of the original documents.