DI 27520.000 Reopenings - Special Issues

Subchapter Table of Contents
Section   Latest
DI 27520.001 Informal Remand (IR) Cases to the Disability Determination Services (DDS) TN 17 05-23
DI 27520.005 Disability Determination Services (DDS) Action upon Receipt of Informal Remand (IR) Cases TN 12 07-08
DI 27520.010 Death after Medical Denial or Cessation TN 12 07-08
DI 27520.015 Previous Denial, Closed Period, or Termination Based on Failure to Follow Prescribed Treatment TN 12 07-08
DI 27520.020 Prior Favorable or Unfavorable Title II Determination or Decision - Felony Related Impairment TN 12 07-08
DI 27520.025 Erroneous Notice/Payment Cases TN 12 07-08
DI 27520.026 Improper Effectuation of an Allowance Determination before the Office of Quality Review Completes Its Review TN 13 03-15
DI 27520.030 Conflicting Determinations or Decisions in Disability/Blindness Common Issue Claims TN 18 08-24
DI 27520.035 Model Language for Fully Favorable Title XVI Applicants (Informal Remands) TN 12 07-08

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