If the claimant is found disabled in part but not all of the DEVELOPMENT PERIOD and
Sec. 10 (e)(5) development has been undertaken, usually the actual onset will be established
(exception: cessations, CDBs and DWBs). If Sec. 10 (e)(5) development has been ruled
out, whether or not an actual or artificial onset will be established will usually
depend on whether the claimant was found disabled in the first month of the DEVELOPMENT
PERIOD. If the claimant was disabled in the first month of the DEVELOPMENT PERIOD,
an artificial onset will be set, unless it is obvious from the evidence (e.g., traumatic
onset) that disability actually began at some later point during the first month.
If the claimant was not disabled in the first month of the DEVELOPMENT PERIOD, an
actual onset will be established.
Closed periods will be established as appropriate.
In actual onset cases, the DDS will line out the PAYMENT PERIOD section of the Stieberger Worksheet and the actual onset will be shown on the SSA-831.