TN 4 (02-02)
DI 34129.007 Endocrine Listings From 10/25/99 TO 02/18/02
9.00 Endocrine System
Cause of impairment. Impairment is caused by overproduction or underproduction of hormones, resulting
in structural or functional changes in the body. Where involvement of other organ
systems has occurred as a result of a primary endocrine disorder, these impairments
should be evaluated according to the criteria under the appropriate sections.
9.01 Category of Impairments, Endocrine System
9.02 Thyroid Disorders. With:
A. Progressive exophthalmos as measured by exophthalmometry; or
B. Evaluate the resulting impairment under the criteria for the affected body system.
9.03 Hyperparathyroidism. With:
A. Generalized decalcification of bone on X-ray study and elevation of plasma calcium
to 11 mg. per deciliter (100 ml) or greater; or
B. A resulting impairment. Evaluate according to the criteria in the affected body
9.04 Hypoparathyroidism. With:
A. Severe recurrent tetany; or
B. Recurrent generalized convulsions; or
C. Lenticular cataracts. Evaluate under the criteria in 2.00ff.
9.05 Neurohypophyseal insufficiency (diabetes insipidus). With urine specific gravity of 1.005 or below, persistent for at least 3 months and
recurrent dehydration.
9.06 Hyperfunction of the adrenal cortex. Evaluate the resulting impairment under the criteria for the affected body system.
9.08 Diabetes mellitus. With:
A. Neuropathy demonstrated by significant and persistent disorganization of motor
function in two extremities resulting in sustained disturbance of gross and dexterous
movements, or gait and station (see 11.00C); or
B. Acidosis occurring at least on the average of once every 2 months documented by
appropriate blood chemical tests (pH or pCO2 or bicarbonate levels); or
C. Amputation at, or above, the tarsal region due to diabetic necrosis or peripheral
arterial disease; or
D. Retinitis proliferans; evaluate the visual impairment under the criteria in 2.02,
2.03, or 2.04.