DI 40510.000 Work Issues

Subchapter Table of Contents
Section   Latest
DI 40510.040 Medical Folder Review TN 26 06-23
DI 40510.055 Title II Medical or SGA Cessations - New Title XVI Application TN 12 02-92
DI 40510.080 Processing Earnings Discrepancies in OCO/PSC - DRS TN 28 06-24
DI 40510.140 Premium Medicare for the Working Disabled - General TN 14 08-92
DI 40510.142 Locating Folders TN 30 06-24
DI 40510.145 Enrollment Periods TN 27 06-24
DI 40510.150 Screening Folders to Determine Cessation Reason and Disabling Impairment TN 29 06-24
DI 40510.155 Conducting Medical Folder Review TN 14 08-92
DI 40510.160 Establishing Future Diary TN 14 08-92
DI 40510.165 Conducting a CDR for Premium-HI Cases TN 14 08-92
DI 40510.170 Processing Cases Returned From DDS After CDR TN 14 08-92
DI 40510.175 Preparation of the SSA-831-U3 TN 14 08-92
DI 40510.180 Processing Appeal Requests - Premium Medicare Cases TN 14 08-92
DI 40510.185 List of Exhibits - Working Disabled TN 14 08-92

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Batch run: 06/28/2024