When a statutorily blind individual for whom a freeze has been established ceases
SGA (see DI 10501.015.), that person must file an SSA-16-F6 to become entitled to monthly disability benefits.
If an SSA-16-F6 is not in file, the Payment Center (PC) will complete an SSA-5526-U3
and request the Field Office to secure one. (for component responsibilities, see DI 41001.001). Do this before taking any other action. If other additional development is needed,
e.g., resolution of a work issue, request it at the same time. If the period of disability
freeze has been continuous and the person has previously served a waiting period,
they do not have to serve another waiting period.
NOTE: When statutory blind claimants who are in current freeze status, and have ceased
working SGA file a disability claim, the claim is considered a disability (DIB) attainment
decision. As a result, the FO will only be required to obtain a SSA-16-BK, and the
PC will complete the SSA-833 determination.