L5R NO LONGER EXISTS applies the BOND $1 for $2 offset after determining the annual countable earnings
estimate. To determine the countable estimate, subtract annual estimate of work incentives
including sick, vacation, and holiday pay, IRWEs, subsidies, and special considerations
from the gross estimate of wages or self-employment provided by the beneficiary. A
determination on these work incentives deductions is the responsibility of the BOND
work CDR unit in ORDES. Abt Associates (Abt) instructs BOND beneficiaries to submit
proof of work incentives and other non-countable income. Abt downloads that information
into the BOND Operations Data System (BODS).
The BOND work CDR unit is responsible for reviewing the evidence and making a determination
on the deductions.
The CDR unit documents the decision in the BOND stand-alone system (BSAS) and faxes
evidence associated with the decision into eView or NDRED as appropriate.
During the end-of-year reconciliation process, we exclude any non-proven work incentives,
non-countable income, or denied estimates from the non-countable income deduction.
This income is not countable unless the beneficiary provides documentation to substantiate
the allegation.
NOTE: If a beneficiary has a net loss (i.e., self-employment loss and wages) process the
case using the rules in SI 00820.210B.2.