For purposes of finding good cause, violent crimes are murder, negligent manslaughter,
assault, robbery, sexual abuse, kidnapping, threatening communication, and threats
against the President. “Violent” crimes are reported in the 0900, 1000, 1100, 1200,
and 1300 series of the NCIC (National Crime Information Center) offense codes. Offense
codes representing communication threatening use of physical force are 1602, 2101,
5215, and 5216.
NOTE: For probation or parole violators, the NCIC code will frequently be 5011 or 5012.
These codes generically identify the case as a probation or parole violation and do
not provide specific information concerning the nature of the original offense or
the nature (i.e., nonviolent or not drug related, etc.) of the probation or parole
violation. The facts regarding the nature of the probation or parole violation cause
may be available on FFAP or on the FFSCF. If there is no additional information provided
in the FFAP or on the FFSCF, the information will have to be obtained from the beneficiary,
if necessary, because they are requesting good cause.