In States with federally-administered optional State supplementary (OSS) payments,
include the OSS payment for a child who is a resident of a medical treatment facility
when computing the amount of SSI payable under the parental deeming waiver provision.
When computing the SSI payable under the waiver provision, include the most recent OSS payment that was applicable while the child was a resident of a medical treatment facility
— that is, the OSS payment that applied when the child was last in Federal living
arrangement “D.”
IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that unless a State chooses to establish a different OSS rate for children
under age 18 who are subject to the reduced benefit rate ($30 payment limit) because
of private health insurance payments (that is, Medicaid alone does not pay over 50
percent of the cost of their care), those children will receive the OSS amount that
would apply to them if they were not subject to the $30 payment limit (see SI 00520.011C.6.).
For more information on OSS payments that apply to children whose Federal SSI benefits
are limited to $30 while in a medical treatment facility, refer to the instructions
in SI 00520.011.