TN 33 (10-24)

SI 01310.690 SSA-8010-BK - Remarks

A. When to Use

Use this space to record explanations of any of the items listed elsewhere on the form. Enter the item number before each explanation. Also use this space to record information that is essential to properly deem income and/or resources, but is not covered elsewhere on the SSA-8010-BK, the SSA-8000-BK, or the SSA-8202 or SSA-8203-BK.

B. Example

Record here an allegation by an ineligible parent that they use part of their income to pay court-ordered support or support payments enforced under title IV-D (see SI 01320.145).

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SI 01310.690 - SSA-8010-BK - Remarks - 10/01/2024
Batch run: 10/03/2024