TN 6 (08-95)

SI 01330.160 Deeming - Countable Resources

Authority: Act, Sec. 1614(f), as amended. Regulations 20 CFR 416.1202

A. Policy

Total countable resources are the combination of the resources of the eligible individual and the ineligible spouse after all applicable resource exclusions are applied.

Total countable resources are compared with the resource limitation for a couple. If the amount of the resources does not exceed the limit, the applicant /recipient meets the resource eligibility requirement. If countable resources exceed the limit, the applicant/recipient is ineligible.

B. Procedure

Verify and document the ineligible spouse's resources as required for an eligible individual under SI 01110.001 ff. However, see SI 01330.120 if the ineligible spouse alleges owning a pension fund.

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SI 01330.160 - Deeming - Countable Resources - 11/01/1995
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