SI NY01801.001 (New Jersey) Food Stamps - The Agreement Between USDA and HHS
The food stamp (FS) program is designed to enable people with limited income to increase
their purchasing power through the use of FS. The food stamps are used in place of
cash to purchase foodstuffs at participating groceries and supermarkets.
The program is federally funded under the United States Department of Agriculture
(USDA) and administered by the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) through State/local
FS agencies. The Social Security Administration (SSA) is mandated by law to take certain
FS applications to make it easier for SSI applicants and recipients to receive FS.
Field offices (FO) should also take FS applications, if applicable, over the telephone
when taking SSI teleclaims. The completed forms should then be mailed to the claimant
to sign. A return envelope, with the local FS office address, should also be enclosed
so that the signed form can be mailed directly to the FS office.
Each State has the option of requesting SSA FOs to take the National FS application
(prepared by FNS) or having the FOs use a State FS application. New Jersey decided
that they want FOs to use a New Jersey FS application, the FSP-901 "Application for
Participation in the Food Stamp Program."