In September 1998, the SSA-8125 (Interim Assistance Reimbursement Accounting Form),
mailing procedure for Payment Pending Cases (PPC) was automated. An I9 alert is generated
and means that the automated SSA-8125 was sent to the State Agency according to the
GR on the SSIRD. There are no automated follow-ups. Unless there are systems problems,
FOs can assume that within two weeks from the date of the I9 alert the automated SSA-8125
was received by the State Agency.
If no response is received from the State Agency, after the appropriate timeframes,
the FO should call them to ensure that they received the SSA-8125 and when a response
can be expected. If no SSA-8125 was received, the FO should prepare a manual one so
that the State Agency can process the case. If automated SSA-8125s are not being received
by a particular State Agency, the FO should document the names and SSNs and contact
the CPS at (212) 264-4009. FOR NYC CASES: To determine if the SSA-8125 was received,
the FO may contact: Ms. Evans (212) 274-5835 or Mr. Walker (212) 274-5244.