When a recipient appeals an adverse action processed to their record and qualifies
for payment continuation, use the chart below to decide:
when to pay the PPL on the record,
when to manually recompute the PPL and input to pay a new PPL, and
when and how to issue a manual notice.
REMINDER: The PPL and other DPD entries displayed in the DUPR segment enable the system to pay
continuing benefits at the PPL. The system posts the PPL when it processes an adverse
action and issues an automated GK notice. FOs input the PPL with an adverse action
that requires a manual GK notice.
If... |
then... |
and send... |
the adverse action is due to a single change
the adverse action is due to multiple changesandrecipient does not request payment based on changes not under appeal*
the recipient requests payment continuation after waiving it
pay the PPL on the record including any past benefits due based on the PPL
NOTE: For eligible couples, pay the PPL couples, pay the PPL to both or reduced benefits
only to a member who requests it.
no manual notice if unreduced benefits will continue uninterrupted
an SSA-L8165-U2 with no appeal rights to restore reduced benefits to the PPL. Select appropriate paragraphs
from NL 00803.025. Include GBKM01 when paying past benefits due.
the adverse action is due to multiple changesandrecipient requests payment based on changes not under appeal*
recompute the PPL using only changes not under appeal, input those changes with the
new PPL. Pay the new PPL including any past benefits due based on the new PPL
no manual notice (the system will issue an SSA-L8165 with no appeal rights).
the recipient requests a reduced payment and disagrees with the amount or reconsiders and requests unreduced benefits based on
the original PPL
input and pay the original PPL including any past benefits due based on the original
PPL (subject to subsequent changes, see SI 02301.325)
no manual notice, if unreduced benefits will continue uninterrupted
an SSA-L8165-U2 with no appeal rights to restore reduced benefits to the PPL. Select appropriate paragraphs
from NL 00803.025. Include GBKM01 when paying past benefits due.
*REMINDER: A recipient must on their own initiative request a reduction in the PPL based on changes
that are not under appeal. See instructions in SI 02301.310B, on explaining payment continuation.