SI NY02302.050 Continuing Benefits - Individualized Threshold Calculation

See SI 02302.050

The instructions in POMS SI 02302.050 require field offices (FO) to verify the use of Medicaid services paid by title XIX (Medicaid) when the recipient alleges use within the past 12 months.

Since verification should be obtained from the agency or provider which can provide it the fastest, every attempt should be made to get verification via the telephone from a provider before writing to the Medicaid agency. If verification must be secured from the Medicaid agency you may send a written request to the following State offices:

New Jersey

Department of Human Services

Division of Medical Assistance and Health

Office of Eligibility Policy

CN - 712

Trenton, New Jersey 08625

Attn: Office of Eligibility Policy

New York

Department of Social Services

Division of Medical Assistance

40 North Pearl Street

Albany, New York 12243

Attn: Eligibility Policy Unit - Room 604

In New York, the following information is required:

1. Client Identification Number (CIN). The number is 8 digits, but 11 digits in New York City.

2. Full name.

3. Sex.

4. Date of birth.

5. Address.

6. SSN.

The identifying information is listed in the order of importance. If you do not have the CIN, you must have all of the other information.

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SI NY02302.050 - Continuing Benefits - Individualized Threshold Calculation - 09/25/2001
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