TN 27 (05-94)

HI 00801.415 Evidence of MQGE — Earned GEQCs

A. Background

Although the SSA Master Earnings File (MEF) contains evidence of Federal, State, and local government earnings, this information does not presently appear on the certified earnings record or on the MCS EC DEIE screen. The Summary Earnings Query (SEQY) and the Detailed Earnings Query (DEQY) are extracts from the MEF which include annual government employment earnings.

B. Procedure

Use the SEQY and the DEQY to assign GEQCs for years after 1982.

Develop evidence of lag earnings in accordance with RS 01403.010 (in the case of Federal employment) or RS 01505.044 (in the case of State or local government employment).

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HI 00801.415 - Evidence of MQGE — Earned GEQCs - 04/28/1994
Batch run: 04/23/2015