TN 28 (08-24)

HI 00820.005 Regular Insured Termination


Under the regular insured provision, HI ends with the latest of the:

  • last month of RSI benefit eligibility,

  • last month of eligibility as a qualified Railroad Retirement beneficiary (QRRB), or

  • month of death, provided RSI benefit entitlement or QRRB status would have existed had death occurred one month later.


If divorce or remarriage results in the loss of HI eligibility under the regular insured provision, determine whether the individual is eligible for HI under the deemed insured provision or, if in a prescribed enrollment period, wishes to enroll for Premium-HI.

1. Deemed Insured Eligibility

If the individual is eligible for HI under the deemed insured provision:

  • take an CMS-18-F5, and

  • forward with any necessary development to the appropriate PSC.

2. No Deemed Insured Eligibility

If the individual is not eligible for HI under the deemed insured provision, is enrolled for SMI, and has no SSN:

  • assign one so that SMI premium billing may be established under the person's own SSN, and

  • offer the opportunity to enroll in Premium-HI if in a prescribed enrollment period.


Age 115 Termination, SM 03020.380

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HI 00820.005 - Regular Insured Termination - 08/05/2024
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