The nightly batch Medicare notice process prepares an electronic file for the contractor
containing all the SSA-1026-OCR-SM-SCE and SSA-1026-OCR-SM-REDE data records to print
the appropriate form for mailing.
We mail redetermination forms to the beneficiary with a postage-paid return envelope.
Each form has different cover letters and:
Includes the cover instructions explaining that this is for a redetermination of eligibility;
Has information in the barcode to distinguish the type of redetermination.
The beneficiary returns the form in the enclosed postage-paid envelope to the Wilkes-Barre
Direct Operations Center (WBDOC). Once WBDOC (or the field office (FO), if it gets
the case and the case is subject to exception or verification processing) processes
the SSA-1026-SCE or the SSA-1026-REDE form, the beneficiary will receive a notice
containing the results of the review:
No change in the subsidy amount;
Increase in the subsidy amount;
Decrease in the subsidy amount; or