TN 99 (08-23)

NL 00703.572 DIB Termination — Notice of Cessation — Payments to Spouse, Deceased Spouse or Dependent Beneficiaries Terminated

Document Identifier for Word Processor: E3572

A. Exhibit letter

In our earlier notice we told you that we would let you know whether benefit payments for (1) could be started again.

(Cessation of disability paragraph to be provided by the Office of Disability and International Operations (ODIO)).


If You Disagree With The Decision

3180A - Domestic

3180B - Foreign


If You Want Help With Your Appeal1



If You Have Any Questions

CTDO - Domestic

3901D - Foreign


1 If the person lives outside the U.S. or has an attorney, omit this paragraph.

B. Requesting instructions

This notice is used when a CDB or DIB in suspense status is terminated on receipt of a determination by ODIO that a disability no longer exists. If the benefits of a spouse (under 62) or deceased spouse (under 60) are also being terminated because there is no other child entitled to benefits on this record in the spouse's or deceased spouse's care, add paragraph T03 to the notice.


  • Fill-in:

    1. (1) 

      the name of the beneficiary

  • ODIO will furnish the paragraph(s) concerning the cessation of disability benefits. In addition, the benefit authorizer will provide a sentence indicating the last month for which benefits were payable or the first month for which benefits are not payable if this information is not in the paragraph furnished by ODIO.

  • Use 3100E in domestic cases.

  • Refer to NL 00703.005E for CTDO and 3901D text.

  • Refer to NL 00703.100 for 3100E text.

  • Refer to NL 00703.180 for 3180A and 3180B text.

C. Typing instructions

Information for this letter will be shown on Form SSA-573. The name and address, if not given, can be taken from the latest Form SSA-3926-EP in file.

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NL 00703.572 - DIB Termination — Notice of Cessation — Payments to Spouse, Deceased Spouse or Dependent Beneficiaries Terminated - 08/14/2023
Batch run: 01/30/2024