The T2R system produces a notice when we update the MBR in the following situations:
Medicare Part A (hospital insurance or HI) - and Part B (medical insurance or SMI)
enrollments, withdrawals, and terminations
Reducing the Part B premiums because of the Medicare Modernization Act;
Part B premium deductions start for cases where the Railroad Retirement Board has
Maturing actions when Part B premium or Voluntary Tax Withholding (VTW) deductions
are involved;
Deductions of Medicare health premiums (Part C) and Medicare prescription drug premiums
(Part D) from SSA benefits;
Part B premium changes from Income Related Monthly Adjustment Amount (IRMAA); and
The Part B premium is greater than the Monthly Benefit Amount (MBA) and a suspension
of monthly benefits occurs. We send an automated billing notification.
Beginning with T2R Release 3 in June 2004, we expanded T2R to include post entitlement
processing. T2R generates notices for student awards, disabled child awards, parent
awards, entitlement conversions based on full retirement age (FRA), other age attainments
and death of the number holder (NH). For some entitlement conversion situations, T2R
will convert the old Payment Identification Code (OLD-PIC) to a NEW-PIC. However,
because of a suspension for a developmental reason, we cannot tell the beneficiary
of the new type of benefit. If T2R resumes benefits, it only addresses the resumption
of benefits. It does not explain the new type of benefit based on the prior entitlement
T2R generates notices for suspensions, terminations, voluntary tax withholding, workers
compensation, public disability benefits, direct deposit, domestic to foreign address
changes, payee changes, death terminations, and other post entitlement actions that
update the MBR.
T2R generates a notice when the beneficiary’s MBA changes for any effective date.
Policy requires this notification of the MBA change even if the Monthly Benefit Credited
(MBC) does not change. T2R addresses reasons for MBA changes, including:
benefits to another entitled person stop due to death or another reason,
benefits to an auxiliary decrease due to the entitlement of another beneficiary,
adjusted reduction factor (ARF) or delayed retirement credits (DRCs) are applied,
workers’ compensation and public disability benefits are factored in,
an incorrect MBA determined by the T2R RATES business process, and
a zero MBA when the Primary Insurance Amount (PIA) equals the MAX and the History
Reason for Suspension or Termination (HRFST) is Technical Entitlement (TECENT).
We generate a T2R notice for suspense-to-suspense status (Ledger Account File (LAF)
S to LAF S) when the MBA changes. For example, if pre MBR LAF = S and post MBR LAF
= S and the only change is an MBA change because another beneficiary terminated, the
T2R notice will address the MBA change(s) for each effective date. The T2R notice
will not repeat the reason the beneficiary is in suspense. The notice states benefits
will not be paid at this time. Whenever an effective date in MBR History Data (HIST)
shows a HRFST posted, but not posted for the same effective date on the pre MBR, the
T2R notice does give the new suspension reason.
With the November 2005 Release, based on legislation, T2R generates notices relating
fugitive felon suspensions,
garnishment and levy deductions, and
CDR Failure to Cooperate suspensions and terminations.
Beginning with the November 2007 release, T2R generates an overpayment Payment Stub
for new T2 overpayments. The Payment Stub appears after the signature page in the
notice (NL 00730.200).
In August 2012, the Automated Job Stream 3 (AJS3) software was retired and functionality
rolled into T2R. T2R enhanced notices have the ability to report details on work and
earnings and the potential effects of those earnings on benefits.
In August 2014, T2R incorporated functionality of another system, Automated Job Stream
1 (AJS1). After we fold all AJS1 functionality into T2R, T2R will provide information
on Primary Insurance Amount (PIA) changes that have an effect on benefits. Effective
August 2014, T2R notices also provide information when:
we apply the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) for the first time or remove it,
we transfer a death underpayment to another beneficiary on the same account.
In August 2014, T2R started generating automated a standalone “Change of Address Confirmation”
(COA) notice when someone inputs a change of address through the internet. In August
2020, the Telephone Interactive Voice Response System was added as an additional source
for reporting a change of address thus invoking the "Change of Address Confirmation"
(COA) notice. In October 2022, the T2R COA notice was enhanced to make the notice
available online in the beneficiary's "MySSA" account. The Customer Communication
Management (CCM) system now creates the notice and a message to alert the beneficiary
of its availability in the Message Center of their "MySSA" account. The notice:
Lets the beneficiary or representative payee know that we changed the address on our
records because of a request made on the Internet at “MySSA” or over the phone using
the interactive voice system.
Gives steps to take if beneficiary or representative payee didn’t request the address
Goes to the old address on the record
Does not disclose other details about the beneficiary’s account; and
Does not display the beneficiary’s Social Security number
In February 2015, T2R started sending notices to beneficiaries who receive a Prior
Month Accrual (PMA) check when they are in a terminated status on the Pre MBR and
remain in a terminated status on the Post MBR.