TN 24 (12-94)

NL 00804.140 Age 65 or Over

1116. Situation Where Used:

Individual attains age 65 after the month of filing. Correct date of birth is not in the system.

To be eligible for Supplemental Security Income payments, (you) must be age 65 or older, blind or disabled. Since (you) are under age 65 (1) and not blind or disabled, (you) are not eligible for Supplemental Security Income payments (2) .

(1) Choice 1 - for (Month/Year)
Choice 2 - for (Month/Year through (Month/Year)
Choice 3 - (Month/Year) and continuing
(2) Choice 1 - for that month
Choice 2 - for those months

1118. Situation Where Used:

Individuals attain age 65 after month of filing. Correct date of birth is in the system.

To be eligible for Supplemental Security Income payments, (you) must be age 65 or older, blind or disabled. We have determined that (you) were born on (1) . Since (you) are under age 65 (2) and not blind or disabled, (you) are not eligible for Supplemental Security Income payments (3) .

(1) (Month/Day/Year/)
(2) Choice 1 - for (Month/Year)
Choice 2 - for (Month/Year) through (Month/Year)
Choice 3 - for (Month/Year) on
(3) Choice 1 - for that month
Choice 2 - for those months

2118. Situation Where Used:

Individual awarded based on age. The prior date of birth determination is incorrect. Individual is found to be ineligible for one or more months of the previously determined period of eligibility.

To be eligible (1) , (you) must be age 65 or older, blind or disabled. Since (you) are under age 65 (2) and not blind or disabled, (you) are not eligible for Supplemental Security Income (3) .

(1) Choice 1 - for Supplemental Security Income payments
Choice 2 - under the Supplemental Security Income program
(2) Choice 1 - for (Month/Year)
Choice 2 - for (Month/Year) through (Month/Year)
Choice 3 - for (Month/Year) and continuing
(3) Choice 1 - for that month
Choice 2 - for those months



AGEM01. Situation Where Used:

Initial Claim—Denial: Individual is less than age 65 and has not alleged being either blind or disabled.

Posteligibility: Individual was awarded payment based on age. The prior date of birth is incorrect. The new date of birth makes the individual less than age 65 for at least 1 month since the month the application was filed.

NOTE : This paragraph will become automated in the future. When it is implemented into the system, it will replace paragraphs 1116, 1118, 2118, and 1345.

To get SSI (you) must be at least 65 years old. If (you) are under age 65, we can pay SSI if (you) are blind or disabled. (1) And (you) said (you) were not blind or disabled. Therefore, (you) can't get SSI (2) .

(1) Choice 1 - (You) are less than 65 years old.
Choice 2 - Since our records show that (you) were born on (Month /Day/Year), (you) are less than 65 years old. (You) can't get SSI based on your age.
Choice 3 - Since our records show that (you) were born on (Month /Day/Year), (you) were less than 65 years old in (Month/ Year). Based on (your) age (you) can't get SSI for that month.
Choice 4 - Since our records show that (you) were born on (Month /Day/Year), (you) are less than 65 years old from (Month/ Year) through (Month/Year). Based on (your) age (you) can't get SSI for those months.
(2) Choice 1 - at this time
Choice 2 - for that month
Choice 3 - for those months

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NL 00804.140 - Age 65 or Over - 02/21/1995
Batch run: 02/21/1995