TN 11 (07-24)

NL 01001.420 Good Cause for Extending Time Limits for People with Blindness or Visual Impairments

Consider good cause when a person alleges not receiving the adverse action notice in their preferred format or not receiving the preferred format timely. For the definition of an adverse action see GN 01010.310, Adverse Actions for Initial Claims. When a person responds in an untimely manner, we will grant good cause if it applies. The following are examples of situations when we will grant good cause. The person:

  • did not receive a follow-up telephone call or it was late;

  • states that they were not able to pick up a notice sent by certified mail from the post office; or

  • states that a Braille, data CD, or audio CD notice was damaged or unreadable.

For general information about good cause for extending time limits, see GN 03101.020, Good Cause for Extending Time Limit to File an Appeal. For Goldberg/Kelly due process procedures, see SI 02301.300, Due Process Protections-General. For information about when the due process period starts for an alternate format notice see NL 01001.010J, Special Notice Options (SNO) Policy for People with Blindness or Visual Impairments.

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NL 01001.420 - Good Cause for Extending Time Limits for People with Blindness or Visual Impairments - 07/09/2024
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