TN 1 (11-00)
A withdrawal is approved only if all benefits paid as a result of the claim that is to be withdrawn are repaid.
If all of the conditions for accepting a withdrawal in VB 00201.070 are met and SVB has been paid:
Stop SVB payments;
Notify claimant of any repayment amount due;
Diary the case for 45 days; and
Record actions in the individual case REMARKS on the San Francisco SVB Intranet site.
If repayment is not received within 45 days:
Send a 30-day closeout letter. (Annotate on the San Francisco SVB Intranet site);
Reinstate benefits and deny the withdrawal request if repayment has not been made after 30 days (see VB 00201.100 for notification procedures).
If repayment is received (or none is due):
Approve the withdrawal request and effectuate the withdrawal per VB 00201.080;
Send appropriate notice (see VB 00201.100).