Basic (01-07)

DI 10115.022 Work Activity and Childhood Disability Benefit (CDB) Entitlement

A. Policy - Work Activity by the Wage Earner (WE)

Work deductions incurred by the WE will have the same effect on a CDB as on any other auxiliary. If a CDB marries a WE entitled under the RSI provisions, and is dually entitled as a B and a CDB, he/she is subject to deductions occasioned by the WE’s work, all deductions being computed and applied to the B portion of the monthly benefit amount.

B. Policy - Work Activity by the CDB

1. Initial Application

Work activity will be evaluated using Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) rules. See DI 10501.000. If the applicant has never been entitled to CDB benefits and the onset date cannot be established prior to age 22 because SGA work activity was performed after age 22, the claim will be denied for SGA purposes.

2. Post-entitlement

Work activity performed by a CDB is evaluated under SGA and Trial Work Period rules. See DI 13010.000

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