DI 11005.000 Disability Interviews

Subchapter Table of Contents
Section   Latest
DI 11005.001 Field Office Disability Interviews TN 99 08-23
DI 11005.003 Field Office (FO) Instructions for Identifying Claims, Applicable Terms, and Scheduling Appointments for Military Casualty (MC)/Wounded Warrior (WW) Cases TN 103 10-23
DI 11005.004 Identifying and Flagging Homeless Cases TN 117 09-24
DI 11005.006 Field Office (FO) Instructions for Claims Development and Processing for Military Casualty (MC)/Wounded Warrior (WW) Cases TN 105 11-23
DI 11005.007 Field Office (FO) Instructions for Identifying Claims, Applicable Terms, and Scheduling Appointments for Claimants with a Veterans Affairs 100 Percent Permanent and Total (VAPT) Disability Compensation Rating TN 104 11-23
DI 11005.012 Field Office (FO) Instructions for Claims Development and Processing for Veterans Affairs 100 Percent Permanent and Total (VAPT) Disability Compensation Rating Cases TN 116 09-24
DI PHI11005.015 Holman Notice - Pennsylvania Residents
DI 11005.016 Forms Used in Title II & Title XVI Disability Claims TN 50 07-17
DI 11005.018 The Disability Interview Process TN 114 07-24
DI 11005.020 Curtailing Completion of the SSA-3368 (Disability Report-Adult) or the SSA-3820 (Disability Report - Child) Forms TN 26 03-11
DI 11005.022 Completing and Reviewing Interview Forms TN 112 06-24
DI 11005.023 Completing the SSA-3368-BK (Disability Report - Adult) TN 115 08-24
DI 11005.024 The Internet Adult Disability Report (i3368) TN 44 01-14
DI 11005.025 Completing the SSA-3369 TN 113 06-24
DI BOS11005.025 Completing The SSA-3368-BK When The Claimant Has Had Medical Treatment In Puerto Rico
DI 11005.026 Completing the SSA-3373-BK (Function Report – Adult) TN 11 06-04
DI 11005.030 Completing the SSA-3820 TN 97 07-23
DI BOS11005.030 Completing the SSA-3820-F6 When the Child Has Had Medical Treatment in Puerto Rico
DI 11005.035 Forms SSA-3375-BK through SSA-3379-BK (Function Report-Child) TN 96 07-23
DI 11005.037 Applicant Forms Needed in Concurrent Claims TN BASIC 09-00
DI 11005.040 Review of SSA-3368, SSA-3820, and SSA-3369 TN 9 02-04
DI 11005.045 Completing the SSA-3367 (Disability Report – Field Office) TN 101 09-23
DI 11005.050 Prescribed Period and Controlling Date TN 107 01-24
DI 11005.055 Completing Form SSA-827 (Authorization to Disclose Information to the Social Security Administration (SSA)) TN 93 06-23
DI 11005.056 Signature Requirements for Form SSA-827 TN 92 05-23
DI 11005.057 Field Office Instructions for Obtaining Form SSA-827 TN 95 06-23
DI 11005.060 Special Documentation Requirements - Medical Sources of National Significance TN 14 12-04
DI 11005.065 Curtailing Potential Onset Date Development TN 47 10-15
DI 11005.070 Field Office Title II and Title XVI Disability Claims for Blindness and Visual Impairment Allegations TN 43 12-13
DI 11005.071 Title II Statutory Blindness Insured Status and Freeze Development TN 43 12-13
DI 11005.072 Field Office Disability Claims Process of Statutory Blind Allowances TN 84 04-23
DI 11005.075 Difficult Interviewing Situations TN BASIC 09-00
DI 11005.076 Interviewing People with a Mental Impairment(s) TN 74 07-22
DI 11005.080 Field Offices (FOs) Handling Potential Suicidal or Homicidal Threats TN 84 04-23
DI 11005.085 Prior Claims Activity TN 84 04-23
DI SF11005.085 Prior Claims Activity (TN 81 — 06/2011)
DI 11005.151 SSA-3368-BK, Disability Report - Adult -- Exhibit TN BASIC 09-00
DI 11005.152 SSA-3820-BK, Disability Report Child -- Exhibit TN BASIC 09-00
DI 11005.153 SSA-3369-BK, Work History Report — Exhibit TN BASIC 09-00
DI 11005.601 The Disability Interview-- Identifying Terminal Illness (TERI) Cases TN 102 10-23
DI 11005.603 Processing Quick Disability Determinations (QDD) Cases - Field Office (FO) Instructions TN 90 05-23
DI 11005.604 Processing Compassionate Allowances (CAL) in the Field Office (FO) TN 91 05-23
DI 11005.605 Completing the SSA-3368-BK, SSA-3369-BK, SSA-3373-BK, or SSA-3820-BK TN 11 06-04

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