Disability determinations under this provision require a comparison of the skills
and abilities utilized by the individual in the period before, and in the period after,
the later of either the onset of blindness or the attainment of age 55.
Work-comparability decisions, under the special definition of blindness for individuals
age 55 or older, are made by the Disability Determination Services (DDS) in initial
and reconsideration cases, and in continuing disability cases where a medical issue
exists. Program Service Center-Disability Processing Branch (PSC-DPB) makes these
decisions in continuing disability cases without medical issues.
In order to determine a work-comparability issue, the DDS must know whether the two
periods of work under comparison are SGA. Since the work in either one or both periods
is generally performed over several years, a determination of comparability may involve
year(s) in which the pre-1978 SGA test applies and other year(s) in which the blind
SGA test applies. The use of one or both tests may be necessary in evaluating a single
period of SGA, and may necessitate field office (FO) preparation of more than one
SGA determination.
When an individual, age 55 or over, alleges blindness and is engaging in SGA, develop
and prepare an SGA determination (use the SSA-820 (Work Activity Report-Self Employed
) or the SSA-821 (Work Activity Report-Employee) as appropriate) for each job which
lasted 12 months or longer (not necessarily 12 consecutive months) in the 10- year
period prior to the later of either:
Also, develop and prepare SGA determinations for each period of work after the later
NOTE: Apply the earnings guideline that is appropriate for the year in which the work
was performed. See Tables of SGA Earnings Guidelines and Effective Dates Based on
Year of Work Activity - DI