DI 12045.000 Special Situations

Subchapter Table of Contents
Section   Latest
DI 12045.005 Claims Under Different Titles – Common Issue - General TN 1 11-02
DI 12045.010 Processing Disability Claims at Different Levels of Appeal, Title II and Title XVI – Common Issue Cases TN 7 02-22
DI 12045.015 Claims Under Different Titles – Common Issue at the ALJ Hearing Level TN 1 11-02
DI 12045.021 Appeal Processing Chart/Common Issue Cases TN 1 11-02
DI 12045.025 Different Determinations or Decisions for the Same Period in Separate Claims TN 11 08-24
DI 12045.027 New Claim or Appeal Filed While a Prior Claim or Appeal is Pending Before the Appeals Council (AC) — Title II or Title XVI TN 10 04-23
DI 12045.030 Same Title Claims – New Claim Filed, Prior Claim at Reconsideration Level TN 1 11-02
DI 12045.035 Same Title Claims – New Claim or Appeal Filed, Prior Claim Pending at the Hearing Level TN 1 11-02
DI 12045.040 Death of Claimant – Reconsideration Level TN 1 11-02
DI 12045.045 Death of Claimant – Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) Hearing Level TN 1 11-02
DI 12045.050 Death of Claimant - Appeals Council (AC) Level TN 1 11-02
DI 12045.065 Career Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) Cases When Claimant Files an Appeal TN 4 09-13
DI 12045.080 Title XVI and Concurrent Title II/XVI Reconsideration Requests When a Claimant Moves to or from Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Mexico, or Canada TN 3 08-13

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