TN 11 (08-24)

DI 12045.025 Different Determinations or Decisions for the Same Period in Separate Claims

A. Introduction

The field office (FO) may discover that adjudicators issued different determinations or decisions for the same period in claims for benefits under different titles of the Social Security Act even when there is a common issue, see DI 12045.005. The components involved must resolve the conflict.

NOTE: Any adverse reopening resulting from this procedure is subject to administrative finality considerations and due process procedures.

B. Procedure for components to resolve conflict

1. Collateral estoppel issues

The Disability Determination Services (DDS) may issue conflicting determinations when collateral estoppel does not apply to a subsequent claim and, after completing development of the claim, the DDS issues a denial.

Generally, these determinations are appropriate and should not be returned to the DDS for resolution. For more information on when collateral estoppel does not apply, see DI 11011.001D.

When a potential collateral estoppel situation was not properly considered or addressed, the FO must take the following actions.

a. Both determinations were made at the initial or reconsideration level

The FO has jurisdiction for making a new or revised collateral estoppel determination when adopting the prior disability determination or decision would be fully favorable in a new initial claim or reconsideration.

The DDS has jurisdiction for a possible earlier EOD determination in certain Title II collateral estoppel claims, as described in DI 27515.001. If the DDS made a conflicting determination in the new claim for the period beginning with the prior EOD, forward the case for resolution to the DDS that made the determination in the new claim.

b. At least one decision was made by an administrative law judge (ALJ) or the Appeals Council (AC)

  • The FO must forward the claims to the regional office (RO), explaining the conflict on the routing slip.

  • The RO Programs Coordinator works with the Office of Hearings Operations (OHO) to coordinate the processing of the claim(s) that are with OHO.

  • The Regional Office Programs Coordinator works with the Office of Appellate Operations (OAO) to coordinate the processing of the claim(s) that are with the AC.

2. Substantial gainful activity (SGA) issue in conflict

The FO is responsible for resolving conflicts of substantial gainful activity (SGA) findings between determinations for the same period(s) in different claims at the initial or reconsideration levels.

The FO cannot reopen a decision of an ALJ or the AC. For reopening and revising a determination or decision, see DI 27501.005.

When at least one of the claims was adjudicated at OHO or OAO and material evidence was not available for consideration at the time of the decision, the FO must forward the claims to the office that had jurisdiction at the time of the decision; and explain the conflict on the routing slip and allow for additional review.

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DI 12045.025 - Different Determinations or Decisions for the Same Period in Separate Claims - 08/29/2024
Batch run: 08/29/2024