TN 15 (11-02)

DI 13010.650 The CDR Query (QCDR) Screen

A. Procedure – When to use the QCDR Screen

Use the QCDR screen to direct the query action to be taken.

B. Procedure – How to get to the QCDR Screen

To get to the QCDR screen.

  • Select 32, DISABILITY CONTROL FILE, from SSA's main menu (MAIN) screen.

  • Select 1 on the MCDR screen with the beneficiary's own SSN or the entitlement SSN and BIC.

  • Select (type of CDR action 1 through 6) the appropriate action to be queried on the ECDR.

C. Reference – MCDR Screen

MSOM CDR 001.004

D. Procedure – Reading the QCDR Screen

The QCDR keeps a historical record of events related to the action queried from the ECDR screen (for example, T2 WORK). It lists up to 11 events per page and provides the date and brief description of the event. Notable fields on this screen are:

  • PAGE: Indicates if there are multiple pages.

  • CATEGORY: This field is propagated automatically and will list 3 different possible categories: SGA, TWP or CDR ENFORCEMENT.

  • REPORT FROM DATE: This field lists the start date of the CDR reporting period. For Medical and Child data, this is the start of the reporting period as per the Office of Disability and may be different from the CDR initiation date. On PL104 data, this is the date that the notice was sent to the recipient advising them that a reevaluation is necessary.

  • FOLDER RECONSTRUCTION ISSUE: This field advises the user if folder reconstruction is an issue. If, it is not an issue, this field will not be displayed.

  • DATE: This field provides the date of the associated event on the query.

  • EVENT: This field provides a description of the CDR and is pre-filled from the DCF. The destination field is the current location of the CDR file.

  • The bottom portion of the screen has the field to indicate if “Remarks” are present. If they are, the Query Remarks Screen (QRMK) will come up in the query screen path for viewing of the remarks entered on the case.

At the bottom of the QCDR screen are PF keys that have the following effects when pressed:

  • PF10 – CDRI, CDR Information Screen (MSOM CDR 001.014 ).

  • PF11 – CDRW, CDR Development Worksheet (MSOM CDR 001.013 ).

  • PF12 – NTPD, CDR Notepad Screen (MSOM CDR 001.015 ).

The CDRI, CDRW and NTPD provide general case data regarding the specific SSN originally entered on the CDR selection menu screen (MCDR).

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DI 13010.650 - The CDR Query (QCDR) Screen - 08/03/2011
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