TN 11 (08-24)

SI 00815.300 Credit Life or Credit Disability Insurance Payments


Regulation - 20 CFR 416.1103(e)

A. Definition of credit life and credit disability insurance

Credit life and credit disability insurance policies are issued to or on behalf of borrowers, to cover payments on loans, mortgages, etc. in the event of death or disability. These insurance payments are made directly to loan or mortgage companies, etc. and are not available to the individual.

B. Policy for credit life and credit disability insurance payments

  • Payments made under a credit life or credit disability insurance policy on behalf of an individual are not income.

  • Food or shelter received as the result of a credit life or credit disability payment is not income. Because the payment is not income, the value of the shelter received as a result of the payment is not in-kind support and maintenance.

C. Example

Frank Fritz, an Supplemental Security Income recipient, purchased credit disability insurance when Frank bought their home. Subsequently Frank was in a car accident and became totally disabled. Because of Frank's disability, the insurance company pays off the home mortgage. Neither the payment nor the increased equity in the home is income to Frank.

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SI 00815.300 - Credit Life or Credit Disability Insurance Payments - 08/29/2024
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