SI CHI00830.110 (IN) AFDC Payments

See SI 00830.110

A. AFDC and Deeming

1. Stepparent's Income

Effective October 1, 1981, the stepparent's income is used in determining AFDC payments. Prior to that date, it was not. This should be taken into consideration in deeming situations.

2. AFDC Income of an Ineligible Spouse or Parent

In deeming situations, if verification is in file that the ineligible spouse or ineligible parent is receiving AFDC, it is not necessary to verify the amount of an ineligible spouse or ineligible parent's AFDC income. Therefore, when systems input is prepared, the amount of type "F" income is unknown. Enter zero money amounts for the ineligible spouse or ineligible parent's AFDC income on these cases. The same policy applies for ineligible parents.

B. Grant Amounts Not Readily Available

The method outlined in this section can be used when it has been determined that the grant amounts needed to determine the claimant's AFDC income are not readily available. Effective February 1, 1995, AFDC claimants are provided with a permanent plastic ID card which replaces the previously used paper Medicaid card. The new plastic ID card has a twelve digit Recipient ID (RID) number which replaces the Patient Control Number (PCN) used on the old paper Medicaid cards. A unique RID number is assigned to each member of an eligible AFDC assistance group. This RID number is permanent, and is used each time the individual applies for assistance, regardless of household changes. Unlike the old Medicaid cards, the plastic ID cards do not provide information such as the number of persons included in the grant, or a specific eligiblity period. As a result, it will be necessary to verify grant information with the county office of the Division of Family and Children. Because the RID number is permanent, AFDC claimants are encouraged to keep their plastic ID cards. If grant information must be verified and the claimant has a plastic ID card, the card may be copied for use in contacting the county. Obtain and document the applicant's allegation of the current AFDC payment amount, and the number of children and adults on the grant. Ascertain whether there are any recent additions to the family size.

1. Allegations Match Chart

If the claimant's allegations of family size and AFDC payment amount match the appropriate chart amounts, take the difference between the grant amount for that family size and the grant amount with the SSI applicant removed. (If more than one person is applying for SSI, see SI 00830.400D.11.) The amount determined by this method is unearned income for the SSI applicant. Document the file with a separate Report of Contact (RC) showing the computation. Verification may be done postadjudicatively.

In determining the AFDC income of the SSI applicant, take the grant amount with the applicant removed and subtract it from the AFDC grant amount as if the applicant was still included. For example, if an assistance unit currently includes three children and one adult, the current grant amount is taken from the column headed "Child(ren) with Parent(s) or Other Caretaker Relative" for a group size of four. If the applicant is removed, the assistance group becomes three and the grant amount, the payment standard for three. The AFDC income of the applicant would be the difference between the two assistance standards.

2. Allegations Do Not Match the Chart

If the applicant's allegations of family size and AFDC payment amount do not agree with the chart, the SSI applicant's share of the AFDC grant must be verified with the paying agency prior to adjudication.

C. Indiana "GAP" Payments - Through June 1987

Indiana adopted a consolidated needs standard, thus eliminating "GAP" payments, effective July 1, 1987.

The "GAP" referred to the difference between the AFDC maximum payment level and the adjusted needs level. If the adjusted needs was higher than the maximum AFDC payable, AFDC was paid at the maximum. In cases where an absent parent paid child support money to the state/county, the state/county could keep a portion and pay the balance, not to exceed the difference between the adjusted needs and the maximum payment to the family. These were "GAP" payments.

"GAP" payments varied from month to month based on the actual support payments the agency received from the absent parent. Indiana "GAP" payments were not treated as AFDC payments since they are not submitted for federal matching. The "GAP" payments were divided equally among the children in the AFDC grant.

D. AFDC or Title IV-E Foster Care

The following regional procedures applies when the AFDC agency cannot or will not provide an AFDC termination date. The same procedure applies for Title IV-E foster care:

  • Input AFDC or foster care income with a "C" frequency code;

  • Diary the case to obtain the termination date postadjudicatively;

  • Document the file with an SSA-5002 (Report of Contact) stating whether the AFDC or Title IV-E foster care agency could not or would not provide the information, and that the case has been diaried to obtain the termination date postadjudicatively.

E. Exhibits

Exhibit I, or a similar form or letter, may be used to obtain written verification.

Exhibit II is the table of AFDC monthly allowances.

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