In-kind income is income other than cash. It includes the value of items provided
at no charge and those which an individual, home, or institution is obligated to provide
the recipient under a partial life care contract, life lease, or other agreement.
The State established the following monthly values for in-kind items:
Utilities $6.80 – prorated if not all utilities are contributed
Transportation $12 for the BI and a companion
NOTE: While transportation is in-kind income (unless excluded as a work expense under
SI SF01210.513E.4.), it is not income under Federal rules.
Accordingly, free room and board is valued at $73 ($43 + $23.20 + $6.80). Use these
values whether the item is received as a contribution or in return for services provided.
Consider the value to be “inconsequential” if the recipient receives free room and
board during a temporary absence from the recipient's home. A temporary absence is
not more than one month, i.e., 30 calendar days beginning the first full day of absence
from the home.
Consider the value of the free room and board as income after an absence of one month,
but only to the extent that continuing allowances in the grant for these items exceed
the cost to the recipient of maintaining the home to which the recipient expects to