In order to determine how much a blind recipient was due under the AB plan, the State
determined a monthly amount for the total allowable need (TAN). The TAN consists of
minimum needs and special needs and can be determined for either a converted blind
recipient or an ineligible spouse.
For a recipient, the State compared net nonexempt income (countable income) to the
TAN. If the TAN exceeded the recipient’s net nonexempt income, a payment was due.
If the net nonexempt income was great than the TAN, the recipient had unexpended income
which was again income in the next month. Include unexpended income in the BCI computation
(See SI SF01201.513B and SI SF01210.520).
Use an ineligible spouse’s TAN amount to determine whether any of the recipient’s
income can be allocated to meet the unmet need of the ineligible spouse. (SI SF01201.517)
For purposes of these instructions, assume a converted blind recipient and an ineligible
spouse each has a TAN equal to $215.
NOTE: When the converted recipient has attendant services, the TAN can exceed $215. See
B below.