TN 1 (07-90)

SI 01320.710 Completion of Form SSA-8015 (Spouse-to-Spouse)

A. Procedure — Effective October 1, 1988

1. When to Use

Use the SSA-8015 to compute eligibility and payment amount for an individual living with an ineligible spouse when no OSS is involved.

If an OSS is involved, use form SSA-3123 and refer to SI 01320.430.

2. Heading

Enter the claimant's name and social security number, and the computation month in the appropriate blocks.

Complete the eligibility column first. If necessary, complete the payment column. Because each of those determinations may be based on income received in different months, deemed income may not be included in each determination.

3. Item 1 — Benefit

Enter the benefit payable as an individual, using only the eligible individual's own countable income. If he/she is ineligible due to excess income, stop. It is not necessary to complete the rest of the worksheet.

EXCEPTION: When deeming income from an ineligible spouse to an eligible individual and an eligible child, follow instructions in SI 01320.620.

4. Item 2 — Spouse's Unearned Income/ Allocations

  1. a. 

    Enter the amount of the ineligible spouse's unearned income.

  2. b. 

    Enter the allocation and any countable income for each ineligible child and/or eligible alien sponsored by the ineligible spouse.

  3. c. 

    Subtract each ineligible child's and/or eligible alien's income from his/her allocation. Total the allocations and enter on line 2.a.

  4. d. 

    Subtract the total allocation from the ineligible spouse's unearned income. Enter any remaining unearned income on line 2.b., and under 3.b.

  5. e. 

    If the total allocation is greater than the spouse's unearned income, enter the remaining allocation in 3.a.

5. Item 3 — Spouse's Earned Income

  1. a. 

    Enter the ineligible spouse's earned income.

  2. b. 

    Subtract any remaining allocation for aliens and/or ineligible children in line 3.a. from the earned income. Enter any remainder in 3.b.

6. Item 4 — Total Income After Allocations

Add any remaining unearned and earned income and enter on line 4. If that total is less than the difference between the couple's and individual's FBR, stop. There is no income to be deemed. The benefit amount is the amount in line 1.

7. Item 5 — Combined Incomes

  1. a. 

    Combine any remaining unearned income of the ineligible spouse from line 2.b. with the unearned income of the applicant/recipient, and enter in 5.a. as “Unearned income.”

  2. b. 

    Subtract the monthly general income exclusion from the combined unearned income amount and enter any remainder in 5.a. as “Countable unearned income.”

  3. c. 

    Combine any remaining earned income of the spouse from line 3.b. with the earned income of the applicant/recipient, and enter in 5.b. as “Earned income.”

  4. d. 

    If the general income exclusion exceeded the unearned income in 5.a., above, enter the excess and subtract it from the earned income. Enter the remainder as “Remaining earned income.”

  5. e. 

    Subtract the $65 earned income exclusion and enter the earned income remainder. Enter and subtract any impairment-related work expenses and enter the remainder. Subtract one-half of the remaining earned income and enter the remainder. Subtract any blind work expenses, and enter the remainder as “Countable earned income.”

  6. f. 

    Enter the “Countable unearned income” amount from 5.a., and add it to the “Countable earned income.” Enter the result as “Countable income.”

  7. g. 

    Subtract any amount excluded under a plan to achieve self- support, and enter the remainder as “Countable Income.”

  8. h. 

    Add the value of the one-third reduction (VTR), if applicable.

  9. i. 

    Enter the total on line 5.c. as “Total Countable Income.”

    NOTE: For instructions to determine the capped ISM value in situations where income is deemable from an ineligible spouse, see SI 01320.150.

8. Item 6 — Benefit Determination

  1. a. 

    Enter the FBR for a couple on the first line.

  2. b. 

    Enter and subtract the “total countable income” from 5.c. on the second line, and enter any remainder as “Benefit.”

  3. c. 

    If “Total countable income” is less than or equal to the “FBR for a couple” in item 6,determine that the individual is eligible.

    NOTE: In the “Payment” column,the smaller of the amounts in item 1 or item 6 is the unprorated benefit. If proration applies, follow the instructions in SI 02005.007 - 02005.008 to determine the correct payment.

  4. d. 

    If “Total countable income” exceeds the “FBR for a couple,” the excess amount is available for deeming to any eligible children. Enter that amount on the “Deemed income” line of the computation column headed “Determinations” on the Parent- to-Child deeming worksheet (SSA-8016).

B. Procedure — Prior to October 1, 1988

1. No OSS Involved

If no OSS is involved, use form SSA-8015 and follow A.2.-8. above.

2. OSS Involved

  1. a. 

    Claimant/recipient resides in California or Massachusetts

    See regional instructions for processing Livermore (CA) or Bouchard (MA) cases.

  2. b. 

    All Other States

    For all other States with a federally-administered OSS, use form SSA-8015 as follows:

    • Follow A.2.-7. above,except on line 1, show the benefit payable as an individual, including any OSS payable to an eligible individual.

    • In Item 6 of the SSA-8015,enter the FBR for a couple plus the appropriate OSS for an individual.

    • Complete the rest of Item 6 following A.8.b.-d. above.

C. References

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