TN 6 (08-95)

SI 01330.180 Examples Spouse-to-Spouse Deeming

No Resources Excluded — Individual Meets the Resource Eligibility Requirement

Mr. and Mrs. Daley live together. Mr. Daley, who is age 65, applies for SSI payments on February 4, 1988. His wife is under age 65 and neither blind nor disabled. Mr. Daley has no resources of his own. However, Mrs. Daley has $1,900 in a savings account and owns a vacant lot valued at $500.

The couple's countable resources are as follows:

$1,900 - Mrs. Daley's savings account
+ 500 - Mrs. Daley's lot
$2,400 - couple's combined resources
-  0 - applicable exclusions
$2,400 - couple's countable resources

The resource computation follows:

$2,400 - couple's countable resources
-2,850 - couple's resource limit (in 1988)

Mr. Daley meets the resource eligibility requirement.

Some Resources Excluded — Individual Meets the Eligibility Requirement

Mr. and Mrs. Sands live together. Mr. Sands, who is disabled, applies for SSI on October 2, 1988. Mrs. Sands works for a company with a pension plan and states she has accumulated $5,000 in her pension fund which she can withdraw at any time. Mr. and Mrs. Sands jointly own two gravesites worth $500 each and have a joint bank account with a balance of $1,000.

The couple's resources are as follows:

Excluded Resources

$5,000 - pension fund (SI 01330.120)
+1,000 - gravesites (SI 01130.400)
$6,000 - excluded resources

Countable Resources

$1,000 - joint bank account

The resource computation follows:

$1,000 - couple's countable resources
-2,850 - couple's resource limit (in 1988)

Mr. Sands meets the resource eligibility requirement.

Some Resources Excluded — Individual is Ineligible

Mr. Smith, who is 69 years old, files for SSI on October 15, 1988. He lives with his wife who is age 62 and neither blind nor disabled. They have the following resources: a joint checking account of $250; United States savings bonds (in both their names) worth $400; and two automobiles — one used for essential daily activities and valued at $6,000, and the other with a current market value and equity value of $3,000. In addition, Mrs. Smith owns a plot of land which produces no income and has an equity value of $2,000. Mr. Smith owns a life insurance policy on his own life with a face value of $2,000 and a cash surrender value (CSV) of $897. Mrs. Smith owns a life insurance policy on her life with a face value of $1,000 and a CSV of $900. Their household goods and personal effects are valued at $1,000.

Excluded Resources

$6,000 - essential automobile (SI 01130.200)
   900 - life insurance of Mrs. Smith with face value not over $1,500 (SI 01130.300)
+1,000 - household goods and personal effects

(SI 01130.430)
$ 7,900 - excluded resources

Countable Resources

$  250 - joint checking account
   400 - savings bonds
  3,000 - second automobile
2,000 - Mrs. Smith's real estate
+897 - CSV of Mr. Smith's life insurance
$6,547 - couple's countable resources

The couple's computation follows:

$6,547 - couple's countable resources
-2,850 - couple's resource limit (in 1988)
$3,697 - excess resources

Mr. Smith is ineligible.

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SI 01330.180 - Examples Spouse-to-Spouse Deeming - 08/14/1995
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