TN 28 (09-24)

SI 02003.010 State Processing of IAR Authorizations

Under the eIAR system, the State will control its IAR cases using eIAR screens and email messages sent by eIAR. The eIAR system processes most eIAR cases without any assistance from field offices (FOs). However, implementation of eIAR did not change the requirement for the State to notify SSA when it receives an IAR authorization. The State must continue to notify SSA when it receives a signed IAR authorization.

States that were manual notification States prior to implementation of eIAR continue to be manual authorization States under eIAR. Automated notification States continue to be automated notification States under eIAR.

A. State procedures for IAR authorizations

The State is required to:

  • obtain a valid IAR authorization form signed by the individual or the representative payee allowing SSA to withhold the first retroactive SSI payment;

  • document the receipt date on the authorization;

  • give a copy of the authorization to the individual;

  • notify SSA that it has a signed authorization within 30 calendar days of the receipt of the authorization;

  • notify SSA of the monthly amounts of IA payments paid to the individual no later than 25 business days of being notified that SSA approved the SSI claim;

  • notify the individual in writing about the amount of IA reimbursement requested by the State and about the individual’s appeal rights; and

  • maintain records of the IAR case for 3 years from the end of the federal fiscal year in which the case was processed.

B. Procedures for State notifying SSA FOs

1. Manual IAR notification States

A manual notification State sends the original paper IAR authorization form to the servicing SSA FO to notify SSA that the State has a valid authorization.

The State must send the authorization to SSA within 30 calendar days of the date the individual signed the authorization. If the State does not meet this deadline, the authorization is not binding on the individual and SSA will not reimburse the State.


The eIAR system did not change the authorization process. Manual notification States continue to be manual notification States.

2. Automated IAR notification States

An automated notification State sends the authorization information to SSA through an electronic interface with the SSR. The State does not send the paper authorization to SSA. The State electronic notification establishes that the State has a valid authorization, the date the individual signed the authorization, and the date the State received the authorization.

The State must notify SSA within 30 calendar days of the date the individual signed the authorization using the electronic interface. The notification deadline is 30 calendar days from the date that the State matches the applicant’s record on the State’s general assistance file with a pending SSI record. If the State does not meet this deadline, the authorization is not binding on the individual and SSA will not reimburse the State.


The eIAR system did not change the authorization process. Automated notification States continue to be automated notification States.

C. When a new IAR authorization is required

When an IAR authorization is no longer effective, SSA will not reimburse the State unless it obtains a new authorization. A new authorization is required if:

  • the State does not submit the signed authorization within 30 calendar days;

  • the individual does not file for SSI within 12 months of the date the authorization was received by the State;

  • the individual files a new SSI application; or

  • the individual requests a review or appeal of their suspension or termination and the individual will receive IA payments while awaiting a decision by SSA to reverses the suspension or termination.

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SI 02003.010 - State Processing of IAR Authorizations - 09/11/2024
Batch run: 09/11/2024