Suppress the systems notice and issue a manual notice to reinstate benefits when inputting N05 for a past nonpay period.
Select appropriate paragraphs from NL 00803.025 including paragraphs that describe all changes during the review period. For N05,
use PMTM01 (NL 00804.135) under the caption “Your Payment is Based on These Facts.” (For a sample notice, see NL 00804.700, notice number 3.)
Use this chart to determine the proper notice form:
If the reinstatement action is...
then issue Form...
adverse after a period of S06, S07 or S08*
SSA-L8155-U2 (Notice of Planned Action), see
an increase or no change in payment amount after an eligibility suspension
SSA-L8151-U2 (Notice of Change in Payment), see
NL 00803.010.
effectuation of an appellate reversal
SSA-L8166-U2 (Important Information Notice), see
NL 00803.085.
*To determine whether the reinstatement action is adverse after a period of ineligibility
or nonpay due to S06, S07 or S08, compare the next month's benefit due with the last
monthly benefit paid before the ineligibility or nonpay period on the record. See
SI 02301.300 about adverse actions.