HI 00820.000 Terminations and Withdrawals

Subchapter Table of Contents
Section   Latest
HI 00820.001 Introduction - Terminations and Withdrawals TN 14 01-21
HI 00820.005 Regular Insured Termination TN 28 08-24
HI 00820.010 Termination Under the Deemed Insured Provision TN 9 06-92
HI 00820.015 Termination of Premium-HI for the Aged TN 25 01-24
HI 00820.025 Termination of Disability HI (D-HI) TN 18 01-23
HI 00820.027 Termination of Premium-HI for the Working Disabled TN 17 10-22
HI 00820.030 Termination of R-HI TN 19 02-23
HI 00820.035 Termination of SMI Entitlement TN 9 06-92
HI 00820.045 Voluntary Termination of SMI TN 23 08-23
HI 00820.050 Effective Date of Voluntary Termination TN 9 06-92
HI 00820.055 Cancellation of Voluntary Termination Request TN 9 06-92
HI 00820.060 Voluntary Termination Interview TN 18 01-23
HI 00820.065 Tailoring Interview to the Individual Situation TN 17 10-22
HI 00820.070 Field Office Handling of Requests for Termination TN 23 08-23
HI 00820.075 Processing Center Processing of Termination TN 21 08-23
HI 00820.100 Cessation of Disability
HI 00820.105 Cessation of Renal Disease (RD)
HI 00820.110 Life Terminations for Disabled or Deemed Disabled Beneficiaries TN 27 05-24
HI 00820.115 Life Terminations for Aged Auxiliary Beneficiaries
HI 00820.120 Establishing a Closed Period of Disability Entitlement
HI 00820.130 Manual Processing of Withdrawals
HI 00820.140 Reversing an Erroneous Termination TN 24 10-23
HI 00820.901 Exhibit 1: CMS-1763 (Request for Termination of Premium Hospital and/or Supplementary Medical Insurance)
HI 00820.904 Exhibit 4: Notice to R-HI Beneficiary About Termination Because of Transplant

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