TN 49 (05-24)

HI 03010.037 Follow-Up Actions for the Partial Internet Applications for Help with Medicare Prescription Drug Plan Costs

A. Background

SSA conducts follow-ups with individuals who have partially completed Internet extra help applications to offer them assistance. This section provides instructions for the Workload Support Units (WSUs) to conduct these follow-ups and document the results of their actions.

B. Process - WSU actions

WSUs should access the Medicare Follow-Up Intranet application each week to obtain the actions assigned to them. The web site will assign actions to the WSUs based on the individual’s SSN terminal digits. The chart in HI 03010.037D shows the SSN terminal digit assignments for each WSU.

If the individual partially completed an Internet application, the WSU will contact the individual to offer to complete an application for the extra help on MAPS if the individual needs assistance with completing the application. WSUs should follow HI 03010.000 to complete the applications for extra help. WSUs should complete an application for extra help on MAPS if the individual requests assistance with completing the application. WSUs should follow the instructions on the web site for posting the results of their actions.

WSUs should access the Medicare Follow-Up Intranet application each week to obtain the actions assigned to them. After logging in to the application, WSU personnel will use the “Pending List Request” function on the main page to request a list of pending actions. Two entries will be required:

  • Office code

  • Action type

WSUs should click on their office code to request their actions and select the workload category to be included on the list using the Action Type drop down list. The web site will assign actions to the WSUs based on the individual’s SSN terminal digits. Attached is a chart which shows the SSN terminal digit assignments for each WSU. WSUs will process the following actions.

C. Process - partial internet application follow-up actions

If the individual partially completed an Internet application, the WSU will contact the individual to offer to complete an application for the extra help on MAPS if the individual needs assistance with completing the application. The WSU should make two phone call attempts and mail a call-in letter (SSA-2708). (No closeout notice is necessary since the Internet application provides closeout language.)

WSUs should follow HI 03010.000 to complete the application on MAPS for individuals requesting assistance with completing the application. WSUs should use the following script and instructions for posting the results of their actions.

“Hello. My name is (insert name). I am calling from the Social Security Administration regarding the Application for Help with Medicare Prescription Drug Plan Costs that (you/someone on your behalf) started on the Internet on (insert start date). Since our records indicate that the application is still incomplete, we are calling to offer you assistance with the completion and submission of that application if you are still interested in pursuing the application.”

  • If the caller accepts your offer for assistance, follow HI 03010.000 for completing the application through MAPS.

  • If the caller simply wants to ask a question about the completion of the application on the Internet, answer the question(s) as thoroughly as possible.

  • If the caller indicates they are no longer interested in filing the application, thank the individual for their time.

WSUs should access the Intranet application Case Processing Screen to post the appropriate action taken. The actions are:

  1. 1. 

    Completed teleclaim

  2. 2. 

    Contacted individual, answered any questions individual had; individual will complete Internet application

  3. 3. 

    Individual not interested in filing; no additional action taken

  4. 4. 

    Paper application sent

  5. 5. 

    Claimant deemed or already filed/no additional action needed.

  6. 6. 

    Unable to contact individual after making two phone call attempts at different times on different days and mailing a call-in letter (SSA-2708).

  7. 7. 


    The Case Processing Screen contains standardized disposition choices to document actions 1 through 7 under HI 03010.037C.

D. WSU SSN terminal digit assignment







18-21 and 71-74



















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HI 03010.037 - Follow-Up Actions for the Partial Internet Applications for Help with Medicare Prescription Drug Plan Costs - 05/14/2024
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