TN 6 (08-94)

GN 02606.150 Establishing Followup Dates


FO followup timeframes are established to provide the PC with a processing timeframe and to provide the FO with followup timeframes.

1. Priority Requests

All priority requests should be diaried for 15 days.

2. Nonpriority Requests

All nonpriority FO/TSC requests are diaried using the standard 60-day diary criteria.

3. Extending F/U Dates

Followup dates should be extended if:

  • the request was sent to the wrong PC, or

  • the action cannot be taken or the information cannot be provided because the folder is not readily available.

If either of the above situations occurs, the PC should advise the FO so they can extend the followup time. The FO may be notified by phone or by transmitting a 2568 interim reply.

4. Cancelling

Followup dairies will be cancelled prior to the maturity if:

  • the action is determined not to be appropriate or necessary, or

  • the information is not readily available.

5. PC Response Timeframes

This chart shows the number of calendar days the PC has in which to process the request. When the allotted days have passed, the FO may initiate a followup.

Type of Request Number of Calendar Days Allotted for Processing
Priority 15
lst F/U - Priority 14*
Nonpriority 60
lst F/U - Nonpriority 30*

If a quicker response is needed, the requests should be made via telephone contact (see GN 01070.000ff).

*FO and PC management may agree upon different timeframes on a case-by-case basis.


Kinds of Requests, GN 02606.000

When Diary Matures, GN 02606.170

Intercomponent Communication, GN 01070.000ff.

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GN 02606.150 - Establishing Followup Dates - 08/09/1994
Batch run: 01/30/2025