TN 10 (08-23)

GN 03102.450 Form SSA-662, Reconsideration Determination

A. Procedure

When preparing the SSA-662 or an equivalent, include the following:

  • statement of jurisdictional factors — filing of application, date of notice of initial determination, date of request for reconsideration;

  • basis of request for reconsideration;

  • statement of issues;

  • brief nontechnical statement of the applicable provisions of the law and regulation;

  • statement of the facts and evidence as presented;

  • findings of fact;

  • conclusions based on findings of fact and applicable law and regulations.

If the claimant failed to respond to a request for additional evidence, include a statement that the decision was made without the benefit of any additional evidence which might have supported their position.

NOTE: To prepare reconsideration substantial gainful activity (SGA) affirmation notices, see DI 13010.145.

B. Exhibit - SSA-662 (Reconsideration Determination)

To view this form, go to SSA-662.

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GN 03102.450 - Form SSA-662, Reconsideration Determination - 08/30/2023
Batch run: 01/03/2025